Mr. Adegbilero-Iwari Idowu

Mr. Adegbilero-Iwari Idowu is presently the Scholarly Communications Librarian and Head, College of Sciences Library, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti. Idowu is the first Nigerian to serve as scholcomm librarian in a Nigerian library. Idowu is a winner of many prestigious grants, fellowships and scholarships including the highly competitive Jay Jordan IFLA/OCLC Early Career Fellowship award for the year 2016. Idowu won the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) Fellowship for 2023. His proposal was one of eleven Open Scholarship Seed Award Grants awarded in November 2023 by the Open Research Funders Group (ORFG).
Idowu is a Certified Librarian of Nigeria (CLN) who is passionate about open access, scholarly communications, technologies in libraries, public and community library development and modernization of the library environment. He is leading the online presence of many Nigerian journals, Digital Object Identifier (DOI) management and deployment of institutional repositories and library management systems. He is a seasoned presenter and trainer on emerging scholarly technologies. He has organized and facilitated numerous training programmes within and outside his institution, for which he won internationally competitive grants (e.g. INASP/UNESCO OA Week Grant). He manages the Blograrian, a weblog about libraries and other issues at