Dr. Akinniyi Adeleke

Dr. Akinniyi Adeleke is the University Librarian of the Tekena Tamuno Library, Redeemer’s University, Nigeria. Before his current role, he worked in the Library as the Head of the Technical Services Unit. He has supervised the implementation and management of the digital institutional repository of Redeemer’s University (RUNIR) since 2016. Dr. Adeleke is a Commonwealth Fellow of the University of East London, and he was the Chairman, of the Cataloguing, Classification and Indexing Section of the Nigerian Library Association between 2013 and 2018.
He enjoyed the sponsorship of the Government of Singapore to attend the IFLA/WLIC in Singapore in 2013. Dr. Adeleke teaches Database & Databank Management Principles at Adeleke University, Nigeria as a Visiting Reader. He also teaches Information Management Systems at the postgraduate level in the Department of Behavioural Studies, Redeemer’s University, Ede.
Dr Adeleke was appointed by the Association of University Librarians of Nigerian Universities (AULNU) in conjunction with LIBSENSE to coordinate the process of adopting a common metadata schema for institutional repositories in Nigerian universities for their interoperability, discoverability and visibility.